Mission, Vision & Values
Donnelly College is a Catholic institution of higher education that seeks to continue the mission of Jesus Christ in our time by making the love of God tangible in our world.
Specifically, the mission of Donnelly College is to provide education and community services with personal concern for the needs and abilities of each student, especially those who might not otherwise be served.
The vision of Donnelly College is to advance the common good by being the most accessible and transformative Catholic College in the country.
The three values are the pillars of our mission at Donnelly College:
Donnelly seeks to inspire lifelong discovery and the communication of truth by exploring the connectedness of all things, studying the intersections of faith and reason, and engaging in civil dialogue with all peoples.
Donnelly seeks to motivate actions and relationships that promote a just community, recognizing that every person has inherent dignity and potential, and that we serve God by serving God’s people.
Donnelly seeks to challenge people to become the best version of themselves in their vocation, personal life, civic engagement and faith pursuit. Excellence requires perseverance amidst obstacles, striving beyond what is comfortable, openness to new ideas, a commitment to quality, and concerted effort.